+86 131 2545 3272    INFO@rioschina.com
In the process of using the conventional series reel model, many situations cannot adapt to the complex working environment. RIOS has a special liking for this and has 15 years of mature experience in China. RIOS has many cases in oil transportation, food processing, mobile transportation, railway cleaning, cables, extreme temperatures and many situations.


Dalian Riosi Reel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is committed to researching, developing, manufacturing and selling various high-quality spring-driven hose reels, cable reels and wire reels. The products are characterized by high quality, wide use, simple operation and convenient maintenance. After the user's hose, cable or wire is wound on the reel, it can not only extend the service life of the hose, cable and wire, but also have the characteristics of improving work efficiency, ensuring safe production, improving the 5S on the production site, and saving production and maintenance costs. Our products can be widely used in industry, automobile manufacturing, aviation, fuel transportation, electric welding, military, maritime, agriculture and other professional fields, for the transportation of air, water, oil, grease, fuel, chemical substances and natural gas. And customized reels according to the special needs of customers is another highlight of Dalian Ruios Reel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Relying on 15 years of experience in reel manufacturing, we can provide you with the most comprehensive technical services and customized products in the shortest time.

Contact means


  • China Regional Sales Service Hotline

  • Mobile +86 155 0424 3272
  • Landline +86 0411-81128565
  • E-mail reels@rioschina.com
  • International regional sales service hotline

  • Mobile +86 131 2545 3272
  • Landline +86 0411-81128565
  • Email INFO@rioschina.com